Jeff Miller

Healthcare Practice Group

Jeff leads the healthcare occupier services team where we assist health system c-suites and physician practice groups with real estate strategy and execution. When results are critical health care providers rely on us.

Jeff has advised Duke Health, University of Kentucky HealthCare, Mission Health, and Medical University of South Carolina on matters as critical as:

Renegotiating a $24mm lease in a Physician-Owned MOB
Converting an old retail center into 70,000 square feet of multi-specialties
Three Build-to-Suits needed in 24 months
A $75mm new headquarters for a CRO affiliated with the university

Beyond work, Jeff is a community leader in his hometown (Durham). During 8 years of service on the board of Downtown Durham Inc., he served as Board Chair and chaired the recruitment of the current Executive Director. He currently serves on the Durham YMCA Advisory Board where he led the Philanthropy Committee from 2019-2021.

Jeff holds undergraduate and MBA degrees from Duke University and resides in Durham with his wife, Lauren, and their children Davis, Liza Jayne, and Calvin.